Who's the mothafuckin' boss up in here?

Jeralyn breaks down the day in Democrat Dipshittery for us:

Who's in Charge? "Dream Act" Fails, Southwick Wins

…The Senate vote to advance the Dream Act failed today.
Supporters needed to get 60 votes to advance the DREAM Act, which would have allowed illegal immigrants who plan to attend college or join the military, and who came to the United States with their families before they turned 16, to move toward legality. The final vote was 52-44.
...In another defeat for Democrats, the Senate today confirmed conservative Judge Leslie Southwick to a seat on the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Liberal and civil rights groups opposed Southwick. They charged that as a state appeals judge for 13 years he consistently sided with businesses over workers and consumers.
Republican-Lite Sen. Diane Feinstein and Sen. Ben Nelson of the Gang of 14 crossed sides and voted with the Republicans.

Says Jeralyn: "With votes like these, it's difficult to believe the Democrats are the majority party in Congress." Um, yeah. The Lissie Train has officially arrived at Irritation Station with the Democrats.

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