"There's nothing to be said, as Lott and I have no connection whatsoever," Nicholas wrote in an email to The Huffington Post. "How these 'quotes' have been fabricated are beyond me. The Senator is someone I have had no personal dealings with, ever."So: Not True according to the escort, and I'm going to guess Not True according to the Senator who purportedly procured his services, though I haven't seen an official denial from Lott. Anyone surprised there's been no tearful confession? No? Didn't think so.
In a subsequent posting on his own Web site, Nicholas wrote, "I have not, nor have I ever seen or had contact with Senator Trent Lott. It's as simple as that. It never happened."
Then again, maybe there's really nothing to confess, anyway. Except, perhaps, just boring old run-of-the-mill avarice.
Stay tuned.
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