
Death is no excuse for not having great tits, ladies:

Transcript: None. Just funeral music. The coffin-busting breasts created by the Wonderbra speak for themselves.

What I find most interesting about this advert is how it's shot. The camera slowly pans up the length of the (dead) body from foot to head, the same format as the classic "sexy chick" reveal in countless films, videos, and adverts, which starts on the five-inch stilettos, crawls up the bare legs, past the hips, and over the torso, to settle on a shot composed of great tits and a smoldering gaze—which, as it turns out, appears to be incidental. Dead or alive, we get assessed by the same long look. Doesn't matter if we're looking back.

Via Erica.

[Part Sixteen in an ongoing series. Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen.]

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