The White House announced today that President Bush will host and congratulate Nobel Prize winners from the U.S. on that date.Gore should send back the invitation with "NO THANKS, DOUCHEBAG!" scrawled on it, accompanied by a picture of him flipping a double-barreled bird.
No doubt that Bush is looking forward to meeting Leonid Hurwicz, Eric S. Maskin and Roger B. Myerson, who won the 2007 prize for economics. Two of the three medicine prize winners are also U.S. citizens.
But an inconvenient truth is that most of the public's attention will be paid to Al Gore, the former vice president who shared the Peace Prize with a group of scientists working under the auspices of the United Nations for research into global climate change.
Gore, however, is a gentleman, so he'll probably graciously accept. At the very least, he should be prepared to respond, when Bush inevitably sneers, "Looks like yeh finally made it to the White House, heh heh," with: "I would have been here sooner, if you hadn't accepted the invitation sent to me by a majority of the American people."
[H/T Constant Comment.]
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