Rafael Robb, a tenured economics professor at the University of Pennsylvania, faces a likely prison sentence of 4 ½ to seven years for the December 22 bludgeoning of his wife, Ellen. She was planning to move out the next month and seek a divorce after a rocky 16-year marriage.Huh. I wonder if the daughter missed any school to, say, attend a funeral or, oh I dunno, intensive therapy sessions after her father bludgeoned her mother to death.
Robb, 57, testified Monday that he argued with his wife about a trip she and their daughter were taking over the holiday break. He did not want the 12-year-old to miss any school.
"We started a discussion about that. The discussion was tense," Robb said. "We were both anxious about it. We both got angry. At one point, Ellen pushed me. ... I just lost it."
Robb said he picked up the chin-up bar, which was lying nearby, and struck his wife with it repeatedly. ... The 49-year-old homemaker was found dead in the kitchen, near the partially wrapped presents.
I also love this: "Robb adored his daughter Olivia and feared he would see less of her in a divorce." Well, he's bound to see her absolute tons while he's in prison!
WTF is wrong with people?
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