Once upon a time, there was a twentysomething boy-next-door type with reddish blond hair and a brilliantly white smile. Not one to shy away from attention, he wrote a blog called “Fifteen Minutes,” and also became a freelance writer for various publications, including The Stranger in Seattle. He’d often focus on his non-traditional lifestyle as a gay male escort — a topic that often fascinated his readers, which, in turn, helped him to garner a substantial amount of powerful business acquaintances through the years.This boy-next-door type gay male escort is stage-named Benjamin Nicholas, and he's fiercely discrete and protective of his clients, even having scolded escort Mike Jones for outing Ted Haggard. But Big Head DC has "learned he's alleged to have been involved with is the married Sen. Trent Lott," who abruptly announced his retirement earlier today. Nicholas declined to comment earlier in the day for Big Head DC's story, except to say that having no comment was "the professional thing" for him to do, but the following update was added at 5:30:
Based in San Antonio, he would travel all over the world to meet his clients, which included high profile celebrities, businessmen and even politicians in the United States Congress.
"Here's my public comment, on-the-record: Sen. Lott and I have no current affiliation with one another. I'm sure he would appreciate no further scrutiny," Benjamin Nicholas tells Big Head DC.I'll bet he would.
Maybe that's what this was all about.
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