Matthews' Misogyny Makes Him Unfit to Properly Do His Job

Are you fucking kidding me with this shit?!

First, Hardball host Chris Matthews teases a segment by asking whether Hillary Clinton is a "She Devil"…

…and then he features an image of her sporting devil horns while discussing if it's wise for Republicans to demonize her.

Later, he also expressed total amazement that women don't vote with their vaginas:

I don't get it. I see women who I've always thought were progressive on the issues, certainly feminists, who I would assume would be just taking a swan dive for Hillary, totally in love with her. It would be Thelma & Louise, "Let's go over the cliff together," even. And yet they're going, "You know, there's something I want to think about here."
If he's honestly saying he can't understand that women don't automatically vote for women, is that not a tacit admission that he votes for men specifically because they're not women? The guy is an inveterate, unapologetic sexist, and inveterate, unapologetic sexists have got no goddamned business covering for a major news network a presidential race in which one—and only one—of the contenders is a woman.

I can't believe this shit is allowed to go on. It's an absolute disgrace, and the fact that it's considered Business As Usual is just totally despicable.

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