To schis - how to create a schism...

To hear St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke of the 'would you like me to make this priest sex abuse scandal just disappear?' Burkes tell it, the world should have come to a fiery end yesterday due to the vengeful wrath of Gawd. Why? Because two women got their ordination on into priesthood not recognized by the Roman Catholic Church…and they did it in a Synagogue.


Burke, known for his habit of pissing in the Corn Flakes of others, has threatened to excommunicate the women for being ordained into the priesthood of an organization called Roman Catholic Womenpriests. He's also threatened to take his ball and go home in regards to any local interfaith events that would include members of Central Reform Congregation (where the ordination took place).

But my favorite part of this story is that Burke plans to excommunicate the women priests for "causing a schism". Jesus, I just adore those two words! Schism and Excommunicate. For some reason they make a bitch think of pea green vomit and spinning heads (wink).

But how exactly does the ordination of two women into a Womenpriesthood not recognized by the Roman Catholic Church through a ceremony performed in a Synagogue cause a schism within the Roman Catholic faith? I mean honestly, if the sex abuse scandals didn’t schis the faithful out...well, ummm...cough.

Anyhoo, I don't recall a rash of excommunications when those scandals hit the fan.

Fuck it, a bitch sees a greeting card opportunity in all of this drama.

Congratulations on your schism causing ordination!

May your excommunication be joyful and bright…

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