Shaker TS passed along this article with the note that it's a good example of how the US is losing the "war on terror" domestically as well as abroad, because of criminal incompetence.

And so not just a Bush II administration failure here. This one goes back all the way to Bush I through Clinton. Plenty of blame to go around for the former employee of the FBI and CIA who has now "pleaded guilty to charges of fraudulently obtaining U.S. citizenship and accessing a U.S. government computer system to unlawfully find information about her relatives and the Islamic organization Hizballah."

"This case highlights the importance of conducting stringent and thorough background investigations," said U.S. Attorney Stephen J. Murphy of the Eastern District of Michigan in a statement. "It's hard to imagine a greater threat than the situation where a foreign national uses fraud to attain citizenship and then, based on that fraud, insinuates herself into a sensitive position in the U.S. government."
Ya think?

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