Yes, Bill is, at long last, finally assuming a higher profile in "his wife's" campaign—instead of that lowly position down by her feet he's been holding while the uppity bitch was off running her campaign as if it's her own.
Attack of the 50-Foot Vagina-American Who Thinks She's Got a Right to Be Equal to Her Husband and Shit
The New York Times' coverage of Hillary Clinton continues to be bloody disgraceful, outdoing itself yet again with another ridiculous image and barely concealed misogyny:
Yes, Bill is, at long last, finally assuming a higher profile in "his wife's" campaign—instead of that lowly position down by her feet he's been holding while the uppity bitch was off running her campaign as if it's her own.
Yes, Bill is, at long last, finally assuming a higher profile in "his wife's" campaign—instead of that lowly position down by her feet he's been holding while the uppity bitch was off running her campaign as if it's her own.
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