Call it what it is...

I'm a political junkie and, as such, have become an expert in the diversity that is political bullshit (wink). The CIA tape destruction scandal has afforded yet another opportunity to refine my bullshit identification skills, but I never would have anticipated the pure specimen that I discovered via the internets today.

Scooter B. (President Bush for the uninitiated) and his minions have sent a letter to the House Select Committee on Intelligence telling them to cease their investigation into the CIA's destruction of tapes.

"We cannot estimate how long this process will take or where it will lead, but pledge to advise you as soon as we conclude that our efforts are no longer at risk or that these requests can be fulfilled without jeopardizing our inquiry."

So, they'll advise Congress on whether or not they broke the law when and if they decide that when they did what they did they broke the law and only if revealing that when they did what they did they broke the law won't prevent them from continuing to do what they do and break the law.


Does it walk like it?


Does it talk like it?


Behold, 99.9% pure political bullshit on ice...

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