I was in Ft. Smith recently and saw something really odd. No, I'm not talking about the gallows or the 30 foot tall Budweiser can. It was all these boxes scattered about street corners downtown.
They implored me to "Google Ron Paul" and join the "Ron Paul REVOLUTION." Get it? That's love spelled backwards. I'm not an expert on Paul's platform, but I never got the idea love was a big part of his big message. (Taking money from white supremacists sort of belies that.) Unless it's "I'd love to destroy everything you hold dear."
It actually made me think of some loony bin preacher like Tony Alamo. But, whatever.
It just seemed a seriously goofy way to get his message out. Part of me secretly hoped the boxes were filled with Ron Paul Dollars, but I never bothered to get out of the car to check. I didn't bother to Google Ron Paul either.
Is that what millions of dollars in fundraising buys? Or is this supposed to be a "grass roots" thing? Who knows?
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