Graham: Good Actor, Shitty Senator

Last week, I was magnanimous enough to give kudos to one Lindsey Graham (R-Dipshit) for pointing out the obvious problem in sanctioning waterboarding. Namely, if it's good for them, then it's good for us. Well, Graham has now shown, in just a few days, that he was against waterboarding before he was for it:
The Senate was prevented from voting on the intelligence bill because Sen. Lindsay Graham, R-S.C., placed a hold on it while the GOP procedural challenge goes forward.

"I think quite frankly applying the Army field manual to the CIA would be ill-advised and would destroy a program that I think is lawful and helps the country," Graham said in an interview.
I would like nothing more than to set up a huge TV outside of his office to play his convincing clip from last week on an endless loop. Of course, he wouldn't care anyway since he'd probably just love to watch himself talk. Perhaps this is why he should relocate from DC to Hollywood. At least there he could put his bullshitting skills to good use for entertainment purposes and not fuck up our country in the process.


[H/T to ThinkProgress]

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