John Cusack: Nicest Man in Hollywood

Because "You're talking about Kevin Spacey, you tommyrotted twitbrain!" would not have been out of order at any point past about halfway through this exchange.

[H/T Michael K. Transcript below.]

Interviewer: How are you doing?

John Cusack: Nice to see you.

I: It's so nice to meet you.

JC: It's my pleasure.

I: It's funny—I actually was just text messaging with a friend, because I'm missing class right now…

JC: You are?

I: …and —my film class—and it's so funny because they're watching American Beauty today, and analyzing it.

JC: American Beauty?

I: Mm-hmm.

JC: What's funny about that?

I: You were in that.

JC: No I wasn't.

I: American Beauty?

JC: Nope.

I: What's the one with the rose petals?

JC: I'm not in that.

I: That's not you?

JC: No.

I: Really?!

JC: No.

I: Really?!

JC: Swear to god.

I: Am I just very confused?

JC: I think you are.

I: I think I am.

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