Hi, Shakers! The semester from h-e-double hockey sticks is finally over, so hopefully you'll be seeing a lot more of me in the days and weeks to come. Of course, I've got to ease my way back into the chaos, and what better way than with a QOTD?
I'll take the lazy way out, though. Piggybacking on the "what restaurant chain do you despise" question (Mine is Ponderosa. I was going to respond, but the scars run too deep; couldn't bring myself to remember the last experience at that pile of poo), I offer you this: What restaurant chain is your guilty pleasure?
I know they're reprehensible in every way. I know they're worthy of all of the scorn heaped upon them. I know there is no reason whatsoever to go there. Not to mention the fact that they have a freakin' clown as their spokesperson... but...
I love, love, love, McDonald's french fries.
I know they barely resemble anything potato-like anymore. I know the tons of artificial ingredients and flavoring is the only reason they taste so good. I don't care. Leave me in my shame!
(And you?)
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