Barack Obama has often said he'd consider putting Repbulicans in his cabinet and even bandied about names like Sens. Dick Lugar and Chuck Hagel. He's a added a new name to the list of possible Republicans cabinet members - Arnold Schwarzenegger.First of all, the Republian Party hasn't done anything worth a sack of piss for at least a decade. They don't deserve to be included in a Democratic president's cabinet; they haven't earned it.
Secondly, Arnold Schwarzenegger? Jebus.
This is the dumbest shit Obama's said since "impeachment [should be reserved] for grave, grave breaches, and intentional breaches of the president's authority" as a reason for why he doesn't support impeaching Bush, the president whose use of signing statements alone is a grave, intentional breach of his authority—and is the mere tip of the massive, ship-of-state-wrecking iceberg that is this administration's profound contempt for the law.
It's like Obama and I don't live in the same country.
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