What will we tell the wee little chil’ren?

CNN.com is asking readers how they plan to talk to kids about Jamie Lynn Spears and her teen pregnancy.

If the youth in your life are like the youth in my life, you’ll start off by explaining who the fuck Jamie Lynn Spears is (wink).

Seriously, I can answer that question in three words…comprehensive sex education.

Mmhmmm, teach it in the home…in the classroom…and in the car driving from the home to the classroom.

Jamie Lynn’s announcement that she is pregnant at 16 years old is a great opportunity to find out where young people are knowledge wise and how they feel about sex, pregnancy and all that shit.

One of these days we'll stop debating the undebatable.

Comprehensive sex education isn’t the enemy any more than ignorance is bliss.


***logs off to find out who the fuck Jamie Lynn Spears is and why CNN is upset that she's having a baby***

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