You know those faux testicles you can buy for your car, the ones that scream, "I have castration anxiety," "I am a misogynist douchehound," "I am the biggest doofus you have ever met," and "I have a tiny penis" all at the same time? You do? Good, because those things have now reached a transcendent level of horribly wrong.
That's right -- support your troops testes!
I frankly want to meet someone who would buy these. I want to meet them, and I want to ask them: rather than buying testicle helper, why not simply enlist, and show actual gonadal fortitude? Because if we're going with the colloquial misogynistic sense of the term -- and these guys most certainly are -- then you're not showing any balls by getting fake plastic ones for your car. You're pretty much demonstrating the opposite.
Via PZ, who says, "I swear, if I ever saw one of these on the freeway, it would be a traffic hazard because I'd be laughing and crying too hard to maintain proper control of my vehicle."
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