That was me, of course, you could hear whistling, as well as snorting in the background when the Tilsinator stuck her face out from under the chair with her mouth wide open like some kind of glaikit shark. Tils is also the drama queen making all the noise. Olivia is a ninja, and therefore a silent killer.
Friday Cat Blogging
Catfight! It's one thing if the terrible twosome want to spend their entire afternoon chasing each other around for the express purpose of attacking one another, but I don't know why they had to drag Mr. Sidney Poitier into it.
That was me, of course, you could hear whistling, as well as snorting in the background when the Tilsinator stuck her face out from under the chair with her mouth wide open like some kind of glaikit shark. Tils is also the drama queen making all the noise. Olivia is a ninja, and therefore a silent killer.
And apparently now it's naptime:
That was me, of course, you could hear whistling, as well as snorting in the background when the Tilsinator stuck her face out from under the chair with her mouth wide open like some kind of glaikit shark. Tils is also the drama queen making all the noise. Olivia is a ninja, and therefore a silent killer.
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