You knew it was only a matter of time before Rush would do one of his unfunny—racist style parodies about the Clinton’s and Barack Obama over the recent and I believe media driven dust up between the two. (It’s good to see all sides stepping back from it now.) You’ve probably heard Limbaugh’s “Barack the Magic Negro” piece by now—well, he follows that garbage up with this:Audio at the link, if you can stand it.Limbaugh:…Obama is holding his own against both of them–doing more than his share of the “spade” work. Maybe even gaining ground at the moment. Using not only the spade ladies and gentleman—that when he finishes with the “spade” in the garden of corruption planted by the Clinton’s, he turns to the “hoe.” And so the spade work and his expertise using a hoe.
This man needs to be off the air. Period. And anyone that insists that race "isn't a problem in America anymore," or that race and sexism "aren't a factor" in this election needs to be forced to listen to this on a loop for a few hours.
There is no excuse for Rush Limbaugh's continuing radio career after this. None.
Update: If, upon reading this, anyone has the urge to get into comments and suggest we "just ignore him," I have one word for you. Don't. I have no patience for that anymore.
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