But I am not giving the campaign a pass on burying accusations of Hillary's indifference to black voters within more misogyny.
Yesterday, I said it was incumbent upon Obama to directly address misogynist attacks on Hillary Clinton if he wanted women to believe that he would be their ally in the White House. Unless I hear a repudiation of his campaign co-chair intimating Hillary faked her (nonexistent) tears and of crying about "her appearance," even though she never cried "in response to Katrina," I am going to have a very difficult time believing that Obama is a genuine ally to women.
...there were tears that melted the Granite State. And those are tears that Mrs. Clinton cried on that day, clearly moved voters. She somehow connected with those voters.To paraphrase Kanye, Hillary Clinton doesn't care about black people.
But those tears also have to be analyzed. They have to be looked at very, very carefully in light of Katrina, in light of other things that Mrs. Clinton did not cry for, particularly as we head to South Carolina where 45% of African-Americans who participate in the Democratic contest, and they see real hope in Barack Obama.
… We saw something very clever in the last week of this campaign coming out of Iowa, going into New Hampshire, we saw a sensitivity factor. Something that Mrs. Clinton has not been able to do with voters that she tried in New Hampshire.
Not in response to voters -- not in response to Katrina, not in response to other issues that have devastated the American people, the war in Iraq, we saw tears in response to her appearance. So her appearance brought her to tears, but not hurricane Katrina.
Because she's too busy crying like a BIG GIRL about how she looks.
[H/T to Shaker Puellasolis, in comments.]
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