One of the very best things the Missouri electorate ever did was to usher conservative water boy Jim Talent out of the Senate and into the unemployment line. You'd think that the humiliation of losing to Claire McCaskill might have taught Talent the folly of pandering to homophobia in exchange for votes...and you'd be wrong. Think Progress reports that as part of Mitt Romney's chorus, "One-note-Jimmy" is singing the only tune he knows: "Teh gay, teh gay, beware teh gay..."
[Romney's] always had the same position as to regards to the gay agenda. Look, he wants to know people to know he values gay people as people, okay? But he doesn’t want the militant gays to be able to change the cultural institutions of the country.
One good reason for Romney to go down: One less coattail for the whining, wheedling likes of Talent to cling to.
Also noted at Pam's House Blend and by Mustang Bobby, below.(Cross-posted. Didn't particularly want to do politics today, but Talent makes my teeth hurt.)
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