Know What's Hilarious?

Still rape. As ever!

The headline of an article promoting "Ladies' Night" at a bar in Manhattan.

My favorite part of this headline is that, in its desperation to make a hot rape joke like all the kewl kidz are making these days, it doesn't even make any sense. Drinks don't get raped. The "joke," exhorting guys to show up, should be, "Those Ladies Aren't Going to Date Rape Themselves!" If the "joke" had been made properly, perhaps it would have been obvious to its (female!) writer how resoundingly disgusting the sentiment actually is.

Then again, perhaps not. I probably shouldn't overestimate the compassion of anyone attempting to make rape jokes in the first place.

[Rape is Hilarious: Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen.]

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