Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich is abandoning his second bid for the White House.Great. I stopped caring when he said he'd share a ticket with Ron Paul. Probably the only people who do care at this point are Chris Matthews and the rest of the morons in the Boys' Club, who will no longer be able to leer over his wife like the disrespectful, perv-brained douchehounds they are.
In an interview with the Cleveland Plain Dealer, the congressman said he was quitting the race and would made a formal announcement Friday.
"I want to continue to serve in Congress," he told the newspaper.
Kucinich said he will not endorse another Democrat in the primary.
UPDATE: Sully quotes the last paragraph above, then sarcastically deems it "lovely." Is my language offending his delicate sensibilities, or does he think there's something wrong with pointing out that the punditry routinely objectified the wife of a presidential candidate...?
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