
Please, please, actually do this now. I'm begging you. I don't ask for much in this world. So please grant me this one thing, dear Maude.


"Over the last couple of days, you've seen a tone on the Democratic side of the campaign that is unfortunate. And what I want to do is just to stipulate to a couple of things. I think that I may disagree with Senator Clinton or Senator Edwards on how to get there, but we share the same goals. We're all Democrats. We all believe in civil rights. We all believe in equal rights. We all believe that, regardless of race or gender, that people should have equal opportunities. I think that they are good people, they are patriots, and that they are running because they think that they can lead this country to a better place.

And I don’t want the campaign at this stage to degenerate into so much tit-for-tat, back-and-forth, that we lose sight of why all of us are doing this…

I want to try to send a strong signal, certainly to my own supporters, but I would also, you know, say to everybody who's involved in the campaign at this stage, that let's try to focus on the work that needs to get done. If I hear my own supporters engaging in talk that I think is ungenerous or misleading or in some way is unfair, then I will speak out forcefully against it, and I hope the other campaigns take the same approach. We've got too much at stake at this time in our history to be engaging in this kind of silliness."


"Over this past week, there has been a lot of discussion and back and forth—much of which I know does not reflect what is in our hearts.

And at this moment, I believe we must seek common ground.

Our party and our nation is bigger than this. Our party has been on the front line of every civil rights movement, women's rights movement, workers' rights movement, and other movements for justice in America.

We differ on a lot of things. And it is critical to have the right kind of discussion on where we stand. But when it comes to civil rights and our commitment to diversity, when it comes to our heroes—President John F. Kennedy and Dr. King—Senator Obama and I are on the same side.

And in that spirit, let's come together, because I want more than anything else to ensure that our family stays together on the front lines of the struggle to expand rights for all Americans."

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