RIP Suzanne Pleshette

Suzanne Pleshette, the actress best-known for playing Emily Hartley on The Bob Newhart Show has died at age 70 after a battle with lung cancer.

She was in one of the best series finales of all time, when she reprised her role as Emily for the final episode of Newhart, although it was really during The Bob Newhart Show, on which she was a regular, that I fell in love with her. I remember being a teensy wee kid watching that show with my parents, and thinking that the smart, feisty, and witty Emily was just all kinds of cool.

In real life, Pleshette was also part of a great love story with another co-star of Bob Newhart, Tom Poston: "[They first met] when they appeared together in the 1959 Broadway comedy 'The Golden Fleecing,' but didn't marry him until more than 40 years later. Although the two had a brief fling, they went on to marry others. By 2000 both were widowed and they got back together, marrying the following year. 'He was such a wonderful man. He had fun every day of his life,' Pleshette said after Poston died in April 2007."

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