6.) John Edwards's Campaign Bloggers who called Christian supporters of President Bush his "wing nut Christofascist base." One asked, 'What if Mary had taken Plan B after the Lord filled her with his hot, white, sticky Holy Spirit,' to which she replied, 'You'd have to justify your misogyny with another ancient mythology.' They posed the thoughtful question of religious conservatives, "What don't you lousy %#*@!+# understand about keeping your noses out of our britches, our beds and our families?"The irony of citing my "thoughtful question," which I did not ask of religious conservatives, but of religious conservatives who try to legislate their beliefs, was, of course, lost on the list's compiler, the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission, which purports to "advance religious liberty for Christians from defamation, discrimination, and bigotry from any and all sources by means of education and selected legal services including litigation, inside the United States and internationally."
So…you're telling me you want freedom of religion? Hey, whaddaya know! Me, too! That was, in fact, pretty much my exact point.
BTW: If I can make the Top Seven Acts of Christian Bashing, I'd say American Christianity is in pretty good shape.
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