An Update on Deeky's Favorite Candidate

Thompson absent in New Hampshire:

While most of the presidential candidates are up in New Hampshire awaiting results of its first-in-the-nation primary, Republican candidate Fred Thompson is already in South Carolina, site of the next major primary vote. The former Tennessee senator, who essentially abandoned his New Hampshire campaign weeks ago, is embarking on an eleven-day bus tour throughout the Palmetto State.

“I swapped the snow for the mild temperatures,” he said Tuesday.
If I were one of his financial backers, I'd wonder if he were planning to swap the slack-jawed indifference for some passion about running for the presidency of the United States of America anytime soon. I mean, this guy's got less enthusiasm about his candidacy than the second-place finishers in the annual Doucheville over-60 charity bowl-a-thon.

Time for a little pep in the ol' step, Marvin. People might start to question whether you actually want the most important job in the world when you're less excited about the prospect of being president than Ruthie Franklin is about winning fifty bucks for the Junior League.

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