Awesome: Jane Fonda Says Cunt on Today Show


Ensler: Amazing.

Viera: And I know when it started, there were some A-list celebrities who came out to help you, but, Jane, you at first were not a big fan of the play, so what turned you around?

Fonda: Well, it wasn't that I wasn't a big fan; I hadn't seen the play. I live in Georgia, okay? I was asked to do a monologue called "Cunt," and I said, "I don't think so; I've got enough problems." [laughter]

Viera: But then you were invited to go see it?

Fonda: Yes.
Of course Meredith Viera had to apologize later in the show: "We were talking about The Vagina Monologues and Jane Fonda inadvertently said a word from the play that you don't say on television. It was a slip and obviously she apologizes, and so do we. We would do nothing to offend the audience. So please accept that apology."

Yeah, the people who are offended by "the c-word" are probably the same ones who still call Jane Fonda "Hanoi Jane," so I'm sure that apology will be accepted no problem!

Wev. Saying "cunt" on national television is one of the privileges of being 70 years old!

[H/T Michael K]

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