Digital Pamphleteer

Following is a short film by filmmaker Bill Simmon about my friend (and virulent potty-mouth) Steve Benen, aka the Hardest Working Blogger in the Blog Business, who pens The Carpetbagger Report and the Blog Report, and, in his spare time, contributes to Crooks and Liars, the TPM empire, the Huffington Post, and Washington Monthly. Steve, typically modest, says: "I've never been entirely comfortable in front of a camera—I'm more of a behind-the-keyboard kind of guy—but Bill is practically family to me, so I couldn't turn him down. Besides, I thought, a short film about me would be a) good publicity for The Carpetbagger Report; and b) exciting for my Mom."

It's pretty exciting for those of us who admire his work, too. Digital Pamphleteer is a great piece; in fact, it won the Vermont Film Commission's James Goldstone award at last year's Vermont International Film Festival. Congrats to Bill Simmon, and to his inimitable subject.

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