We've seen how far pundits like Chris Matthews will go to define Hillary on their terms. We've fought back against the gender stereotypes that keep popping up again and again.Very clever—and, to be quite frank, not nearly as hyperbolic as it will undoubtedly be accused of being. We are, after all, talking about a mainstream media that are willing to question whether Hils is, in fact, a She-Devil.
But it's not going to stop just because we want it to. The only way Hillary can talk to voters unfiltered is if she has enough money to deliver her message of change straight to the grassroots.
Given that every time, without exception, I post a video of Hillary unfiltered, there are comments about how much more likeable she is than people thought, I quite like this idea, just from a fuck the media and their craptastically factless, reality-free memes standpoint.
And, of course, there's the part of me that just loves the schadenfreude of Matthews' misogyny being used to raise money for Hillary. In fact, all I really have to say about that is: HA!
[Thanks to Batocchio for the heads-up.]
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