I've read, just now, on about half a dozen male-authored blogs, some of them considered to be Very Important, the assertion that David Shuster calling Hillary a pimp and her daughter a whore isn't really sexist, or isn't sexist enough to warrant offense, or isn't overtly sexist—as if "overt sexism" (meaning, I suppose, the kind that men use deliberately to hurt woman as opposed to the casual sexism all real men engage in, about which women aren't supposed to complain) is the only kind that matters—although these dubious dudez will magnanimously acquiesce that what Shuster said was inappropriate.
Also commonly expressed was a bemused mystification that David Shuster was suspended over something that wasn't that big a deal, especially compared to all the obviously sexist stuff Chris Matthews has said. It's like they think if the vice-president and the mailroom clerk each grab your ass, both of them will be fired.
Isn't that just adorable?
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