What happens in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas - especially if you're the wife of a presidential candidate. Just ask Janet Huckabee, who attended a middleweight prize fight this past weekend in Las Vegas - where she stayed at the Hooters Casino Hotel.How much would I hate to be a Republican candidate? She, former First Lady of Arkansas, was at the fight because Jermain "Pride of Arkansas" Taylor was one of the competitors, and she stayed at the Hooters Hotel because she canceled her room at the MGM Grand when she thought she wasn't going to make her flight to Vegas. When she did, she stayed in one of two rooms a friend had at the Hooters joint, because "it was the only thing, quite frankly, that was available because the fights were in town."
That eye-opening combination - a title bout in Sin City, which celebrates gambling, drinking and all things wild, along with a hospitality chain favoring buxom waitresses in low-cut garb - could potentially shock the armies of evangelical conservative Christians who have made her husband, the former governor of Arkansas, the only remaining GOP opponent to party front-runner John McCain.
Personally, I'd rather sleep on the street than stay at the Hooters Hotel, but wev. The point is that Janet Huckabee now has to answer to a bunch of conservative hypocrites, who don't give a damn about treating women like equal citizens with autonomous control of their own bodies, why she was staying at the Hooters Hotel while visiting "Sin City" to see a boxing match. Doesn't she know she's the wife of a Baptist preacher and should never do anything but read the Bible and make Christian babies?!
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