Now the White House Has a Comment?

The White House sided with Sen. John McCain and accused The New York Times on Friday of repeatedly trying to "drop a bombshell" on Republican presidential nominees to undermine their candidacies.

White House deputy press secretary Scott Stanzel, at a briefing, noted that the story has received a lot of attention.

"I think a lot of people here in this building, with experience in a couple campaigns, have grown accustomed to the fact that during the course of the campaign, seemingly on maybe a monthly basis leading up to the convention and maybe a weekly basis after that, the New York Times does try to drop a bombshell on the Republican nominee.
Interesting that they have plenty to say on something that has absolutely fuck all to do with the administration, when obfuscation has been the order of the day for anything that is remotely relevant to the administration's activities of the last 7 years.

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