What are the best and worst band names of all time?
In the "best" category are My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult, The Flaming Lips, Joy Division, and Crowded House. And I have to give special mention to The Killers, who realized that by the year 2000, there had never been a friggin' band named The Killers before. Absolute favorite status goes, natch, to The Smiths, for its beautiful simplicity.
In the "worst" category are Enuff Z'Nuff, INXS, Oingo Boingo, and Talking Heads (which is a function of how crap a name it is proportional to how freaking awesome the band is).
Mr. Shakes' answers at first blush: Manic Street Preachers (best) and Boyz II Men (worst). Ha.
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