"If women can't make it in the 'crapshoot of electoral politics' because of their sad lack of testosterone, why would one Andrew Sullivan need to write an anti-Hillary treatise? Nature should take care of her pitiful attempt at grabbing power without the necessary testosterone."—Echidne, in a must-read post.
[Aside to Sully and others who advance the old "Hillary cries to evoke sympathy" canard: There is not a woman in America who is laboring under the enormous misapprehension that crying evokes sympathy. Even our most intimate partners are taught to be suspicious of our tears, to regard them as mere markers of our intent to manipulate. We know quite well that crying evokes contempt, especially from those disinclined from extending us sympathy irrespective of our expression of its need. If you believe that Hillary is a sentient woman, no less the savvy sort of politician who would counterfeit emotion if she calculated it would win her support, then trust me when I tell you she does not cry to evoke sympathy.]
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