Exhibit A:
Ezra Klein's analysis of Obama's proposed health care plan.
In the end, his plan is not universal, does not attempt to be, and is probably less generous in its affordability provisions than Clinton's. And even so, I wouldn't really care, as it's still a pretty good plan, except that he's decided to respond to the inadequacies of his own policy by fear-mongering against not only better policy, but the type of policy he's probably going to have to eventually adopt. It's very, very short-sighted.
Exhibit B: MoveOn's
endorsement of Obama.
With hundreds of thousands of ballots cast across the country, for the first time in MoveOn's history, we've voted together to endorse a presidential candidate in the primary. That candidate is Barack Obama.
I'm pretty hard pressed to find a reason to care about MoveOn's endorsement of anyone, yet this appears to be the bigger news of the two that's making the rounds.
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