So, I get up this morning and follow my usual weekday routine. When all is ready, I head to work. The building I work in has several offices, some of which belong to the payroll department of the nearby hospital, which means that the parking lot is generally full all the time. Upon arrival, I notice that there is only a handful of cars. Odd.
OK... Maybe everyone is sick!!
No matter. I go to my desk and do my thing. As a few hours pass, I notice that it's pretty quiet. Wev. It's not until a little after 1:00 EDT that I get an email from someone thanking everyone for working on a company holiday.
For what on a damn huh?!
So, I call my boss on her cell phone and ask if today's a company holiday. She starts laughing hysterically, to which I respond, "What the fuck am I doing here?!"
"I don't know! Go home!"
Alrighty then! That's what I get for being Heeb One and not knowing Good Friday from Palm Sunday. While telling Mrs. Cowboy of the state of affairs on my way home, she insisted that I try to get another day off. I told her that another day off is probably not realistic, however I might very well ask for an award plaque that says something along the lines of "Dumbass Heeb Laureate."
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