By the way...

As Jeff already surmised, Hillary Clinton's passport files were breached as well last year:
CNN also reports, "Hillary Clinton's passport file was breached in 2007, Secretary of State Rice told Clinton, according to the senator’s office." No details on that breach have been released, as of yet.

In a statement from her Senate office, Clinton said she had been contacted by Rice. The State Department plans to brief Clinton's staff Friday about the unauthorized breach.

The development came just hours after the State Department fired two contract employees and disciplined a third for inappropriately examining the passport file of Clinton's Democratic rival, Sen. Barack Obama. The episode raised questions as to whether the actions of the three contractors, two of whom have been fired, were politically motivated.

There's your party of morals, ladies and gentlemen.

UPDATE: McCain's passport files got the cozy inspection treatment as well. Henry Waxman has already sent a letter to Condi asking her what the flying fuck is going on in the State Department, and that she better make with the names of these idiots, if she knows what's good for her.

What in FSM's name is it with this administration and the damn bozos that they hire? Is there a single person in DC who wants to do his/her best to improve this country or is the whole lot of them a huge collective turd??!

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