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From last night's Primary viewage...

Senator Clinton has won Ohio and Rhode Island. Senator Obama won Vermont with Texas still too close to call.

Senator McCain wrapped up the Republican nomination and then proceeded to damn near put this bitch to sleep with a Dolesque (or mayhap it was more Dolevish) speech that lacked energy, vision and substance.

But a bitch perked up with the tale of a for real showdown between Team Clinton and Team Obama!

In the right corner…weighing in at an accusation throwing blah blah pounds…the warrior against all things Caucusal…The Wolfish voice of Clinton 2008 - Clinton communications director Howard Wolfson!

In the left corner…weighing in at a defiant blah followed by blah pounds…the defender of the Caucus process…the Hell No We Will Vite mob of one named Bob - Obama campaign lawyer Bob Bauer!

The skinny…Wolfson scheduled an emergency conference call with the press to accuse the Obama campaign of pulling a fast one during the Texas Caucus and barring Clinton supporters from the room.Bauer called in.


Wolfson, clearly caught off guard, welcomed Bauer.

Bauer proceeded to go off. “Stop attacking the caucus process.”


Wolfson defended. “I would ask you to join with us this evening in ensuring that the serious problems that are ongoing as we speak in Texas are addressed.”


Bauer landed a big one.“How is this (complaint) any different than the series of complaints registered against every caucus that you lose?"

Damn! Damn! Shit! And another damn!

Wolfson finished ominously, saying he looked forward to "asking our own questions on subsequent calls of yours."

Ouch, baby.


Party unity, my angry black ass…

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