Wanton Slobberchopsity

Being gay is bad. Worse than being a terrorist. Worse than being Islamic. So says Oklahoma State Rep. Sally Kern, she of the state's Social Services committee, she of the state's Human Services Committee. According to The Advocate:

Kern criticized gay people for indoctrinating children, lamented the growing number of gay politicians, and said gays will "destroy this nation." The gay community, she says, poses a "bigger threat, even more so than terrorists or Islam," to the United States.
(I loved how she managed to insult Islam and Homosexuality in one fell swoop. Extra classy, that.)

Audio of her speech has surfaced here.

Kern defends herself, "What I'm saying, I believe in." No one doubts that. No one doubts you do believe in hateful, destructive, outdated horseshit. But just because you believe in it, doesn't make it any better. Being a bigot isn't somehow okay if you're really earnest about it.

(H/T to Lena, who is not a Muslim.)

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