Jay Leno apologized yesterday for asking actor Ryan Phillippe to give his “gayest look” during a recent show. The actor was quite uncomfortable with Leno’s quip and the late-night host came under fire by gay rights groups for his remarks.Boo hoo! Can somebody explain to Mr. Donohue that being ethnically Jewish and being gay are intrinsic characteristics and being Catholic is a choice? That doesn't mean I support wanton Catholic-bashing, but it's really time to stop pretending that Catholicism is in the same class as being gay, Jewish, a woman, etc. One can stop being a Catholic if one decides to, which is not an insignificant difference.
Commenting today is Catholic League president Bill Donohue:
“We have a fat file on Leno’s anti-Catholic comments, and with the lone exception of his phone call to me apologizing for his Catholic-bashing rant on February 7, 1997, we haven’t heard a word from him regarding our many complaints. Just last July we issued a news release calling him to task for bashing priests and the pope six times in five weeks. And he was at it again on February 18 of this year, leading me to ask the show’s executive producer Debbie Vickers the following question: ‘It is not likely that all of Leno’s writers are bigots, so could you please identify the person who is obsessed with bashing the Catholic Church?’
“…So what conclusion are we to draw? The same one we’ve drawn before: Gays and Jews are protected classes in Hollywood, but Catholics are not.
And, you know, I have no idea whether Leno really was bashing Catholics or not, but considering that Donohue insisted that my referring to myself as Queen Cunt of Fuck Mountain was somehow anti-Catholic, I'm going to guess there's at least a slim possibility that the reason Leno hasn't apologized to the Bill Donohue League is because he doesn't have anything to apologize for.
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