The U.S. Secret Service has placed a white agent on leave after an African American employee reported finding a noose hanging at the service's main training facility outside the nation's capital.Gee, couldn't this be kind of a huge fucking problem given that we may be only eight months away from our first black president?!
The service has acknowledged "an allegation of misconduct" at its J.J. Rowley Training Center in Beltsville, Md., and that an employee last week was placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation. The employee is a veteran agent with the service, according to fellow agents.
The noose was found by an African American officer in the uniform division of the service during the week of April 14, according to those familiar with the alleged incident. That division protects the White House and surrounding grounds.
Cheesus. What the fuck is wrong with people?
(Rhetorical. There ain't enough bandwidth in the multiverse to completely answer that question.)
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