What could be better, I wonder, for conservatives than the leftwing having bought into every pernicious lie about Hillary Clinton and every bit of misogynist framing used against her in the 90s (instead of, ya know, just discussing her very real limitations as a candidate without all the seething, mouth-foaming hatred), while simultaneously having carried Barack Obama on their shoulders past the usual meticulous vetting and weakness-probing required of a national candidate (instead of, ya know, just discussing his very real strengths as a candidate without all the pretending he has no room to be even stronger), and then having collectively promulgated the total horseshit that Hillary now cannot win, just in time for any Obama misstep to be blown up into a potentially candidacy-killing drama under the totally true premise that the left has been careless about its due diligence on its leading candidate?
I mean, how great has it worked out for conservatives that the reality-based community has failed utterly to perceive a comprehensive reality about either of its remaining candidates, not to mention cast aside all that rigorous adherence to fairness, accuracy, and cynicism about the media and rightwing frames on which the leftwing blogosphere was ostensibly built?
Maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't have been so quick to stomp the shit out of her, or slay the golden calf for him—and hand to conservatives the perfect opportunity to make us look like we got it backwards, even if we didn't.
We're going to go into the general election with what looks to be a weak candidate either way, when we had the chance for the total opposite. And that won't be Barack Obama's fault, and it damn sure won't be Hillary's, no matter how many of the numbskulls who got us here try to blame her for their own idiocy.
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