We do not believe it is appropriate for a book about feminism, albeit a book of humor, to have any images or illustrations that are offensive to anyone.If only you women of color and your allies would stop taking everything so seriously and get a sense of humor, none of this would have happened!
…Please know that neither the cover, nor the interior images, were meant to make any serious statement. We were hoping for a campy, retro package to complement the author's humor. That is all.
…If taken seriously as a representation of our intentions, these images are also not very feminist.
…We also extend this apology to the author, Amanda Marcotte, who did not select these images for her book. Writing humor is very difficult.
Part of their apology is a promise to participate in some diversity training. It might be beneficial for them to go back and take a Feminism 101 course, too, since they've evidently not learned that dismissing concerns on the basis of humorlessness is about the oldest silencing trope in the patriarchy's book, so ubiquitous as to be positively quaint (in that Alberto Gonzales kinda way).
When an ostensibly feminist press is using one of the most reflexive techniques of misogynists to silence their critics, that's a bigger problem than diversity training can cure.
That doesn't mean it's incurable. But it's gonna take some serious work. I hope they're up to it.
(My apologies if someone else has already discussed this particular issue. I've done a ton of reading, but didn't see it addressed anywhere. If someone else has mentioned it, let me know in comments, and I'll update the post with links.)
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