I Write Letters

Dear Editors of the New York Times,

In this morning's editorial, "The Low Road to Victory," you assert that "voters are getting tired" of what you deem a mean, vacuous, desperate, and pandering primary contest.

My question to you is: Which voters, exactly, are getting tired?

They wouldn't, by any chance, be voters who have already voted, would they?

You see, some of us, out here in flyover country, haven't had our chance to vote yet. And, funnily enough, we're not actually tired of the campaigning. In fact, we're pretty stoked that we've got a chance to participate in a primary that might actually matter for the first time in a generation.

What we are tired of, however, is a bunch of fucking uppity wankstains trying to force an end to this primary before we get our chance to vote. We're tired of being told our votes don't matter, anyway—because we still like to think that, if it comes down to the superdelegates, they're at least going to take into consideration what we had to collectively say about the matter. We're tired of all your bullshit complaints that an extended, hotly contested primary "demean[s] the political process."

Some of us think your attempts to disenfranchise us from the primary demeans the political process a hell of a lot more.

Let the primary run its course. Let us vote. And shut the fuck up about it.


cc. Indiana Voters

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