Lookin' for Some Straight Answers from the Straight Talker

Elizabeth Edwards has a few questions for John "JFK" McCain about his healthcare proposal, like:

You say your plan is going to increase competition to the point that it actually lowers costs. Isn't there competition today among insurance companies? Haven't costs continued to go up despite that competition?
Isn't the type of competition you are talking about really a rush to the bottom? … Doesn't your plan really encourage insurers plans to compete to avoid people with cancer or other high-cost diseases? Don't you think that the kind of competition that starts with a decent level of required coverage, that doesn't exclude the care we actually need, would be better?
Doesn't the American voter deserve some straight answers to these questions?
Is it wrong that I am picturing Elizabeth Edwards calmly and evenly repeating these questions as she backs McCain into a corner with the sheer force of her awesomeness, until he eventually has nowhere to go and slides down the wall into a heap where he softly begins to sob…?

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