McCain to be Condi's New Husb—?

As MB mentioned below, Condi is reportedly "actively courting the vice presidential nomination."

Now, on the one hand, I dread seeing this shit on the campaign trail:

…because McCain is embarrassing enough on his own without Condi standing guard with the Face of Judgment, reminding us all what a huge douche he is.

On the other hand, this possibility makes me want, more than I can possibly express, a joint Clinton-Obama (in alphabetical order; settle down!) ticket on the Democratic side, and a McCain-Rice ticket on the Republican side, just to watch Chris Matthews' head explode on live television as he tries to figure out for whom black women are going to vote, using the typically nuanced and carefully calculated voting theory he applies to everyone but straight white men (because we all know they vote on issues): "That one look like me! Me votey!"

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