Sometimes it's just fun to read the right-wingers and see their justifications for the United States to have a permanent presence in Iraq and support John McCain's idea of having our troops there for the next 100 years. The funniest -- or most bizarre, depending on your sense of humor -- is one from
RedState that is telling its readers that occupying Iraq is no different than occupying Germany, Japan, and Georgia. No, not that
Georgia, the former region of the Soviet Union, but the southern state best known for peaches, the Braves, and Rhett Butler, Scarlett O'Hara, and
Gone With the Wind.
Clearly McCain was talking about a peace time standing presence ... Someone should ask the Democrats if they think we're still at war with the confederacy, the Germans, and the Japanese given all the standing American armies in the South, Germany, and Japan.
Okay, I know a lot of good ole boys still drive around with their Stars and Bars license plates muttering that the South will rise again, but wow.
Apparently some of them
do give a damn.
(HT to
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