Below is Part One; you can watch the rest of the show here.
Oprah and the Pregnant Man
Thomas Beatie, the pregnant transgender man to whom David Letterman so cruelly referred as an "androgynous freak show," was a guest on Oprah Winfrey's show today. He's positively charming and fascinating as all get-out, and his story is rather different from many people's; instead of experiencing gender identity as binary, the "wrong body" phenomenon among trans people or the "right body" phenomenon among cisgendered people, he seems to experience his gender identity as slightly more fluid, or maybe more complex. In any case, he's hardly someone I would describe as a freak—except, perhaps, as a compliment.
Below is Part One; you can watch the rest of the show here.
Below is Part One; you can watch the rest of the show here.
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